Lines of investigation:
Evaluation of the immune component in the development and progression of cancer. Study of the tumor microenvironment.
Preclinical drug evaluation "immune check point inhibitors”In combination with compounds remodelers chromatin inhibitors or CDKs.
Study of the modification in the polarization of TAMs in tumor development and progression.
Effect of immunomodulatory compounds on cell activation NKs.
Evaluation of multivalent antibody fragments as directors of antitumor immune responses.
Immunocompetent animals models genetically modified for preclinical evaluation.
Platforms for genomics studies (Nanostring, microarrays, NGS).
Samples collections from patients.
Generation and characterization of immunocompetent animal models.
Cellular characterization of tumors and biofluids by flow cytometry.
Genomic studies of mRNA gene expression and miRNAs (Microarrays, Nanostring)
NGS studies on platform Illumina.
Study the methylation profiles of tumors and the effect of compounds remodelers of chromatin on the methylation of oncogenes.
3D Co-ccultures of tumor cells and stromal components (TAMs, CAFs, neutrophils)